
Cooperative Security Initiative


The concept of the Cooperative Security Initiative was created by GLOBSEC and The FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe.

The Initiative was launched at the GLOBSEC Forum in June 2019, with the support of Slovakia’s Chairmanship of the OSCE. OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger has endorsed the Initiative and has offered Secretariat support.

The Initiative is composed of experts from all OSCE regions, headed by a Chair. Experts have been chosen in their personal capacity, based on their expertise in issues of European security and their demonstrated interest in cooperative security, as well as their institutional affiliation and networks. While care has been taken to finding a geographical balance, experts do not represent their countries per se.

WATCH THIS VIDEO to learn more about the Cooperative Security Initiative.

How does CSI work?

Through questions. We believe that at this point we do not need another report. We have many, including the OSCE Eminent Persons Report “Back to Diplomacy” from 2015. What we do need is a debating process on the topic of Cooperative Security. Like Socrates did. He taught by asking questions. He did not want just to argue, but he wanted to confront very confident women and men with questions to

  • clarify things,
  • questioning assumptions or viewpoints,
  • and point out possible consequences.

Contribute to CSI by answering 19 QUESTIONS FOR A SAFER FUTURE HERE.

Why do we need CSI?

  • Cooperative security is not working. Divisions and distrust between Russia and the West create the risk of military incidents, accidents and escalation, and an arms race. At the same time, the safety nets of arms control agreements and confidence-building measures are being cut away. There are fundamentally different narratives on both sides about how we got into such a situation – so soon after what was supposed to have been a new era of democracy, peace and unity after the end of the Cold War. Furthermore, both sides seem to be convinced that they are right, that it is the responsibility of the other to change its ways first, and that time is on their side.
  • Status quo is deteriorating, therefore not acceptable. The current situation is potentially dangerous and unsustainable. The leaderships of Europe need to take responsibility. We know from history that a continuation along this trajectory has led to war.

Where will it all take place?

The Initiative is designed to engage an audience beyond the group of experts, including through social media, meetings hosted by think tanks, parliamentarians as well as senior officials of OSCE participating States. The Initiative will use innovative approaches – based around guiding questions – to generate debate to promote cooperative security – not only in Vienna or Bratislava or Tirana for the next year but all over the OSCE region.

When will it happen?

Two meetings of CSI initiators and participants have taken place. Here in Bratislava, we present the output around a limited set of questions at the OSCE Ministerial Meeting. A final product designed to enhanced cooperative security and encourage effective multilateralism for a safer future in Europe will be produced in time for the GLOBSEC Forum in autumn 2020, followed by roadshows in the OSCE region. At the end of this process will be an analytical paper reflecting cooperative security based on the discussions with the expert community, decision-makers and regular citizens.

