What makes a crime-terror nexus? Evidence from 11 EU countries

What makes a crime-terror nexus? Evidence from 11 EU countries
Wednesday 11 September 2019
Thon Hotel, Wetstraat/Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels
GLOBSEC, a leading Central European think tank, is pleased to invite you to an invite-only conference on the crime-terror nexus in Europe.
GLOBSEC, with the help of partners from 11 EU countries, has assembled a database of 326 individuals either arrested for terrorism offences, fugitives from justice, or attackers who died while staging terrorist attacks during 2015, a peak year of jihadism in Europe. The team investigated the criminal pasts of these individuals and collected data on radicalisation, foreign fighting experience and financing of their activities to establish commonalities and differences amongst the European jihadis. 11 September 2019 will see GLOBSEC and its European collaborators launch their crime-terror nexus project’s final report which takes stock of two years of research devoted to this topic. At the same time, GLOBSEC will also take a closer look at prisons and radical mosques in Europe: two key “pathways to jihad,” and integral components of the nexus.
The workshop will commence at 09:30 and will be followed by a buffet lunch
A detailed agenda of the conference is attached. In order to register, please email Martina Babikova, Junior Research Fellow, GLOBSEC national security programme at [email protected].