Call for proposals: Georgia on European Way / DCFTA awareness campaign

Georgian civil society organizations established in the country's regions are encouraged to apply for subgranting aimed to support activities contributing to increasing awareness about the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) among Georgian population. The subgranting is a part of the European Union-supported project “Georgia on European Way: Creation of Effective Model for DCFTA and SME Strategy Implementation” implemented by EESC together with partners. Lithuanian Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme is co-funding the project.
The project aims to increase and support Georgian civil society organizations’ role in raising public awareness, understanding and support for implementation of DCFTA that has entered into force between Georgia and the European Union in June, 2016. The agreement provides better-matched regulations for Georgian producers to access the European market. According to the survey executed by project implementers in Summer 2017, majority of all interviewed Georgian region-based civil society organizations - 92% - are interested in working on DCFTA-related issues. At the moment of survey only 5 % of civil society organizations identified DCFTA implementation among their fields of activity. Based on existing willingness to step up and play a bigger role in DCFTA-related issues, the project implementers via sub-granting regional civil society organizations seek to, first, enable these organizations to contribute to the on-going discussions and awareness raising about DCFTA implementation, and, second, to become active actors in their respected communities and to engage and inform the public, especially small and medium size producers about DCFTA provided opportunities. In total 60 small sub-grants of up to 1000 Euro are expected to be distributed to civil society organizations in regions of Georgia.
Please feel free to find full info in English here, or on here in Georgian.