Press release

GLOBSEC Joins the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) in its Fight Against Disinformation


Bratislava, December 27, 2022: GLOBSEC's Centre for Democracy and Resilience (D&R) becomes a part of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) uniting the 27 EU member states in a joint fight against disinformation. The D&R team will contribute to EDMO's efforts by coordinating the investigation into disinformation campaigns and identifying key partners in the region. 

Since its launch in June 2020, EDMO has managed to build a strong community of researchers, fact-checkers, and policymakers from across the EU striving together to increase the resilience of the European information space. Over the two years of its activities, the network has become a key source of expertise, evidence, and tools for tackling disinformation, therefore we at GLOBSEC are honoured to have become a part of the initiative,” commented Dominika Hajdu, Director of the Centre for Democracy & Resilience at GLOBSEC.

Thanks to its wide and diverse membership, EDMO presents an effective instrument for responding to new waves of disinformation spurred by regional and global crises, ranging from the Covid pandemic to the war in Ukraine and its security, economic, and social impacts. It also allows EDMO to react quickly to rising challenges threatening European democracies. This is evidenced, for instance, by EDMO setting up a Task Force on Disinformation and the War in Ukraine within just a few weeks after the start of the conflict.

“In the next 30 months, EDMO plans to intensify its efforts against the rising challenges of online disinformation even more and focus not only on the impacts of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine but also on new challenges ahead. Among the many new activities in the next phase of EDMO, is the detection, analysis, and countering of disinformation campaigns in the EU member states ahead of the European elections in 2024. GLOBSEC's D&R team will contribute to these activities by coordinating the monitoring and investigation of influence campaigns both on the regional and the EU level,” said Katarína Klingová, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Democracy & Resilience at GLOBSEC.

January 2023 will also mark the beginning of the activities of 6 new EDMO Hubs, which will tailor the network’s mission to the specific local vulnerabilities of digital spaces in individual European countries. The expanded EDMO network will include Hungary, Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Croatia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania joining the countries where the EDMO hubs are already at work.


GLOBSEC is a global think-tank based in Bratislava committed to enhancing security, prosperity and sustainability in Europe and throughout the world. It is an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental organisation. Its mission is to influence the future by generating new ideas and solutions for a better and safer world. To this goal contributes the annual GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum, one of the leading global security conferences. GLOBSEC also organises the annual GLOBSEC Tatra Summit, a conference that provides the opportunity for experts to have fruitful political discussions on the future of Europe.

Media contact: Dominika Hajdu; [email protected]
