Press release

GLOBSEC Transatlantic Forum


We thank our General Partner ČEZ Group for their partnership at the GLOBSEC Transatlantic Forum.

As we leave the big election year behind and step into 2025 with a new U.S. administration, it is time to focus on how the U.S. and Europe will position themselves globally, where their interests align, and what a reset of the transatlantic agenda is likely to look like. Happening just after the Presidential inauguration, the Summit will put Americans and Europeans in a conversation to assess the outcomes of the elections, identify points of convergence (and contention) in key areas and chart a path forward for collaboration in the coming years.

The summit will be focused on three strategic issues for Transatlantic relations that will underpin global competition:

  • Defense and security
  • New technologies and digital innovation, with special emphasis on AI and its economic potential
  • Strategic industries and resilience of supply chains, including energy and car industry

We expect the summit to receive significant media coverage and impact policy debate and direction on topics of international significance like the economy, security, technology, and democracy among others.

The Forum Leadership

GLOBSEC US Foundation is a nonprofit, non-partisan public policy organization that works to strengthen the transatlantic relationship and to enhance security and prosperity in the United States, Europe, and throughout the world. With sister organizations in Bratislava, Kyiv, and Brussels, GLOBSEC US provides a unique gateway to the region on the frontline of the newly divided world. The GLOBSEC Network started with the establishment in 2005 of GLOBSEC in Bratislava, Slovakia, and has grown to encompass the entire transatlantic community, from Washington to Brussels to Kyiv. Now the leading think tank in Central and Eastern Europe, GLOBSEC is also a trendsetter in organizing keystone events. GLOBSEC flagship platforms include the GLOBSEC Forum and Tatra Summit, which serve as key platforms for world-class thinkers, business leaders and heads of states and governments to discuss pressing challenges to security and prosperity. Participants in these events have included Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ursula von der Leyen, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, David Cameron, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, the late Madeleine Albright, the late John McCain, Mark Esper, Brad Smith, Francis Fukuyama, and others.

HostPhoto 1

Steve Clemons, Co-Chair, GLOBSEC US Initiative

Steve Clemons is contributing editor at The National Interest. He has served as Editor at Large of The Hill, The Atlantic and Semafor as well as in senior editorial roles at National Journal and Quartz. He is also the proprietor of the popular political blog, The Washington Note.

The Forum Formats

The program will include:

  • a day of on-the-record live-broadcast plenary sessions and chats
  • a series of private roundtables with key stakeholders

The Forum Participants

100-200 guests will join in person the on-the-record sessions throughout the day of public conversations with key insiders on political and business thinking from the U.S. and Europe.

A core group of 30-50 political leaders, business representatives, and thought leaders from the U.S. and Europe primarily will travel through a series of private roundtables.

The Forum Flow

10:00 to 17:00 Public Conference

Photo 1     Topical framework:

  • Framing the Shared China Challenge
  • Protecting Strategic Industries: Security, Efficiency, and Connectivity Dilemmas
  • Future of U.S. and European Competitiveness
  • Trade and Tariffs in a Tech Driven Economy: Barriers or Pathways?
  • From Innovation to Market: Realizing Economic Potential of AI
  • Defending the Digital Realm: Counteracting Broader Cybersecurity Threats
  • Solving the Energy Challenge
  • Future of NATO and Transatlantic Security
  • The Tech Generation: Modernizing Defense Industrial Base
  • The Road to Sustainable Peace in Ukraine


General Partner


  • Google
  • Central Media

Read more about the conference in the publication below.

GLOBSEC Transatlantic Forum 2025
