GLOBSEC Trends 2021: Key Highlights

For a sixth year, GLOBSEC Trends 2021: Central and Eastern Europe one year into the pandemic brings a unique insight into the Central and Eastern European people’s minds, covering 10 CEE countries Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. One year since the beginning of the pandemic, achieving the herd immunity against COVID-19 as a race against time has challenged not only countries’ crisis management but also the young CEE democracies.
Thus, who do the Central Europeans perceive as the most important strategic partners of their countries? How does the popularity of world leaders stand in the CEE? What image does China Russia have in the region? How does the region’s citizenry judge their national governments to have handled the COVID-19 crisis so far? And how do they see the future of social media regulation?
Find out more in the video below.
To read more in the full GLOBSEC Trends 2021 report, please go here.