Policy outcome: Covid-19 vaccination: from confidence to convenience, what are the ways forward?

On the 22nd of April 2021, GLOBSEC organized an online forum with high-level stakeholders from the health and pharmaceutical sector to address the issue of COVID-19 vaccination. Find the main takeaways of the online session below.
The CEE region including Slovakia is progressing and moving forward in its efforts on COVID-19 vaccination with the aim to eliminate the current pandemic spread.
It’s been a few months since the first vaccinations were administered against COVID-19 in the region. GLOBSEC organised a webinar that is following up on the “Resilient-Societies-Restoring-the-Value-of-Vaccines” event previously held at GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum 2020.
The aim of this webinar was to provide a platform for discussion and best practice exchange of a wider audience of experts with topics for discussion such as the current situation in COVID-19 vaccination efforts and readiness of the public to be vaccinated, fight against disinformation campaigns and their impact on society, recent data on population willingness to be vaccinated, what are the current trends, communication efforts to the public and societies (public authorities perspective), the ways forward from the current pandemic and role of extensive vaccination campaigns, the role of the private sector in ensuring vaccination readiness & uptake.
- doc. MUDr. Alexandra Bražinová, PhD., MPH – Epidemiologist, Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
- PharmDr. Zuzana Baťová PhD. – Director and Secretary-General at ŠUKL, State Insitute for Drug Control of the Slovak Republic
- Iwona Kowalska-Bobko – Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Public Health, Head of the Health Policy and Management Department Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Health Science, Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Krakow, Poland
- Sibilia Quilici – Executive Director Vaccines Europe at EFPIA – European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
- Ing. Iveta Pálešová – Executive Director, AIFP-Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry in Slovakia
- Zita Kerak Lukáčová, M.D. – AIFP-Vaccines Producers Working Group – Deputy Lead at Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry in Slovakia
- Dominika Hajdu –Research Fellow, Center for Democracy & Resilience, GLOBSEC
- Jakub Goda – Digital Communication/Counter Disinformation at Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
- David Púchovský – Anti HOAX specialist at Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic
- prof. Scott C. Ratzan MD, MPA, MA – Co-founder, CONVINCE – Covid-19 New Vaccine Information Communication & Engagement; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives; New York City Metropolitan Area; U.S.
- Alexis Nolte – Head Of Human Medicines Division at EMA – European Medicine Agency
- Jakub Dvořáček – Executive Director, AIFP-Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry in Czech Republic