Press release

The Private Sector's Contribution to Alliance Security: Recap


The role of the private sector in national – and by extension Allied – security has grown and evolved. The private sector routinely outspends the public sector in research and development. In new technological areas, private sector companies designing primarily for civilian use have gained weight, with some firms, in particular in the world of digital technology, big data, and social media dominate their markets.

The second of the NATO-Private Sector Dialogues with GLOBSEC brought relevant stakeholders together to exchange views and insights about how the private sector can contribute to increasing situational awareness, define critical infrastructure challenges, foster innovation, and find the necessary capital to maintain the technological edge in the global "techno-political" competition.

You can read now read a recap of the event and follow GLOBSEC on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and our website where you can find the latest news on #NATO2030 and #NATOGLOBSECdialogues.