
CEE Hub4Ideas


What is CEE Hub4Ideas

A virtual digest that serves as a common space for outputs and a multiplier for constructive voices from Central and Eastern European think tanks, research institutions, civil society organisations, and individuals.

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has often struggled to achieve the status of a sought-after region in terms of emerging ideas and innovative research. With the war in Ukraine at the region’s doorsteps, now more than ever there is a necessity to amplify the constructive voices and to share the unmatched expertise and experiences. There is high potential for arising new ideas and solutions which can be effectively used for policymaking. Having a Hub where CEE voices are reachable at ease, could boost the region’s image and proliferate constructive and practical initiatives.

October - December 2024

Defence and Security

Towards a Secure Europe: Turning EU Security into Tangible Reality

Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)
Recommendations for the new EU Parliament and Commission to strengthen the implementation of sanctions against Russia

Eastern Europe Studies Centre
Return of the War: Redefining European Security

EU Neighborhood

International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
Narratives of External Norm Contenders Across the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood

Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI)
ACCESSION BEFORE MEMBERSHIP: Bringing South East Europe 6 into EU Cohesion and EU Industrial policy debates

Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI)
The EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans: One year After



European Policy Institute 
National debate on state positions in international relations: Citizen perspectives on North Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic integration

European Movement in Serbia (EMinS)
Serbia and EU: Prejudices and perspectives

Razumkov Centre


Economy and Sustainability

GLOBSEC Grid Transition Index 2024

GLOBSEC Healthcare Readiness Index 2023

Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
The unfinished de-russification. The remnants of energy ties between the EU and Russia

The Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Improving CEE Energy and Climate Resilience by Debunking Cost and Inconvenience Narratives

CEE and its Roles

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Recommendations to strengthen the implemantations of sanctions against Russia in the Czech Republic

The Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Enhancing Cybersecurity Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe

Democracy and Resilience

Public Attitudes in Bulgaria: A severe Lack of Trust

Public Attitudes in Romania: Staying in the West With Some Doubts

Promoting Democracy among Young Europeans: a How-to Guide

Nine-Step Guide on How to Include Participatory and Deliberative Formats in Policymaking

The Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Poland’s shifting positions on the future of the European Union: deepening and widening?

Global Focus
Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference Threats and Answers in Romania in the context of the war in Ukraine

Center for the Study of Democracy
Supporting Media Freedom in Europe

Future of the EU

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)

Latvian Institutute of International Affairs
Latvia's vision for the EU 2030: Towards a European Union prepared for the future

Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES)
Taiwan’s Strategic Importance for the EU: A New Era (2016-2024)


Diversity in Enlargement: Women as Agents on Fast-track to the EU

Center for the Study of Democracy
Invisible Chains: Mapping the Links Between Corruption and Gender-based Violence against Women in Bulgaria

Center for the Study of Democracy
Gendered Disinformation: Challenges for Ukrainian Refugees

July - September 2024

Defence and Security

Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
New horizon: Implications for Poland’s security of NATO’s approach to the Indo-Pacific

Political Capital
Growing influence of Russia and China in the new European Parliament

International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
Insuring against Uncertainty. A European Nuclear Deterrent?
Shared Goals, Different Paths, and a Complex Outcome: A Deep Dive into Ukraine’s 2024 Bilateral Security Agreements

European Policy Center (CEP)
From Peace to Preparedness: Conscription as a Once-Again Fashionable Idea in the EU and Serbia

Austria Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES)
From Defense to Danger: Will AI Become the Pivotal Factor Shaping the Cybersphere?

Security & Defence Cooperation in the Post-Brexit Era

EU Neighborhood

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Russia 2030 Futures: The View from Central and Eastern Europe
Having our cake and eating it too? European Union and Czechia getting ready for enlargement
Impact of the Future Enlargement(s) on Czechia, Poland and Central Europe

German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF)
Republic of Moldova 2024 Presidential Election and EU Referendum: Pre-election Risk Assessment

European Policy Institute (EPI)
Reflections on rule of law instruments in view of EU accession

Economy and Sustainability

Pursuing the Value of Healthcare in the Central Europe Region

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
The Czech and EU Approach to Ukraine’s Reconstruction: Struggling with Sustainability

Romanian Center of European Policies (CRPE)
Green Urban Transformation: case studies and insights

Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
At the Frontier: Guidelines for Unlocking Offshore Wind Energy Potential in CEE

Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCBP)
Scramble for Green Technologies: Strategies of Major Players and Serbia’s Opportunities

CEE and its Roles

EU Enlargement Discourse in Slovakia: Supporting It, but Better Let’s Not Talk About It
Pivotal moment for Europe: Central European proposals for the next EU leadership

Institute for Public Affairs (IVO)
V4 at the Time of Polycrisis. Public Perception

Institute for European Policy (EUROPEUM)
Czechia and NATO: Building a more capable, connected and credible European pillar

Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE)
The EU regional policy and regional policy challenges in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Montenegro and Serbia

Democracy and Resilience

For an Inclusive, Sustainable and Secure Europe: Recommendations from Young Europeans

Political Capital
Navigating Disinformation Trends and Civil Society Challenges in Central and Eastern Europe: Regional Mapping Reports 2023-2024

Latvian Transatlantic Organisation (LATO)
Examining Societal Resilience in the Baltics – a Public Outlook 2024

Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
Transforming Europe’s Media Landscape

European Policy Center (CEP)
From Bystanders to Contributors: A Realistic Way Towards Candidates’ Participation in the EU Council

Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE)
IPRE’s Policy Brief: informational resilience at grassroots level in the Republic of Moldova

Future of the EU

The Future of EU’s Digital Decade: A Look at Open Strategic Autonomy in the Cloud and Beyond

Europeum Institute for European Policy (Europeum)
Preparing for EU35+: The View from Central Europe

Austria Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES) 
The 2024 UK General Election: The Implications for the European Union


Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
Gendered Disinformation Targeting Ukrainian Women Refugees in Bulgaria​​​​​​​

April - June 2024

Defence and Security

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
EU Adopts Approach to Countering Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
NATO to Consider Increasing, Stabilising Support for Ukraine

Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCPS)
How to Unbind the State Capture in Serbia? Towards Security Institutions and Foreign Policy in the Service of Citizens

Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation (DIF) 

EU Neighborhood

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Hidden Chinese Systemic: Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in the EU

International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
Russia’s War in Ukraine: The Evolution of Grand Strategy

Eastern Europe Studies Centre
Russia’s disinformation in Eastern Europe: revealing the geopolitical narratives and communication proxies in Moldova


Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI)


Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP)
The New Geopolitical Formation in the Wider Horn of Africa: Consequences for Europe


Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP)
Identity Continuities, Far-Right Acquiescence, and the “New” and the “Old”: Finnish and Swedish NATO Accession and Neutrality

Economy and Sustainability

Governance of Public- Private Collaborations for needs of Czechia: Best Practice in Selected European Countries

Institute for International Relations Prague (IIR)
Fortifying Economic Security: The EU’s Response to China’s risk

Europeum Institute for European Policy (Europeum)
Policy paper | Here to stay, but in what form? Researching the potential of cross-border telework in the digital economy

Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
A glass half full: Searching for new sources of economic growth in Central Europe

Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE)  
Immigration and the Labour Market in Poland

CEE and its Roles

Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA)
Yearbook of Slovakia’s Foreign Policy 2023

GLOBSEC Trends 2024: CEE – A Brave New Region?

Adapt Institute
Mapping Hungarian Influence in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Regional Cooperation in Central Europe after Russia's Aggression against Ukraine

Political Capital
MEPs from Central Europe: A bulwark against authoritarianism

Democracy and Resilience

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Charting a Way Out of the Disinformation Stalemate: Targeted Recommendations for Czechia, Slovakia, and Poland

Hungarian Europe Society
What Can Liberals and Democrats Fight With? Finding a Winning Narrative in the High-stakes 2024 European Elections

Centre for European Perspective (CEP)
The Mirage of Truth: Complexities and Challenges of Disinformation in the Western Balkans

Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES)
Fair elections – fair democracies? The information-democracy nexus

Austrian Society for European Politics (OGFE)
Disinformation and Foreign Interference: A Challenge for the EU and Its Member States

Future of the EU

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
From the Fringes to the Forefront: How Extreme Parties in the European Parliament Can Shape EU-China Relations

Europeum Institute for European Policy (Europeum)
Policy Paper | Enlargement on Hold: The Price Europe Pays

Estonian Foreign Policy Institute
European Parliament elections: views from Member States

European Policy Centre (CEP)
Setting the Stage for Enlargement: The Integration of the Model for Staged Accession to the EU into the New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans

Austrian Society for European Politics (OGFE)
Attitudes Towards the EU and the EP Election in 2024 in Austria


Women in the Digital Space (and AI): Looking into Central Europe: Cases from Austria, Czechia, Poland, and Slovakia

Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)
Istanbul Convention in the Czech Republic: Debate dynamics, key actors, and communication recommendations

European Policy Institute 
Moving Forward, but Not Far Enough: Тhe EU Directive on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence

January - March 2024

Defence and Security

Sofia Security Forum
New European Security: The evolution of the European security architecture in the wake of the Russian war against Ukraine

The Peace Institute
Borderless fear? How right-wing populism aligns in affectively framing migration as a security threat in Austria and Slovenia

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
The Weimar Triangle and The Future Security Order in Europe

The Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR)
Bulgaria needs a stronger voice in Black Sea Security

EU Neighborhood

European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) Bulgaria 
Wars and elections: How European leaders can maintain public support for Ukraine

Cleaning the Augean Stables: Humanitarian Demining in Ukraine
Ukraine 2024 – Can Freedom Still Win?

Enhancing Governance, Stakeholder Involvement, and Communication in Czech Recovery Planning: Strategic Lessons for Ukraine

Economy and Sustainability

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
Energy (In)Security and Good Governance in Moldova: Making the Energy Transition Possible

CEE and its role in the EU

Enhancing the Efficiency of Combating Disinformation: A CEE Perspective

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Clash of Perspectives: Analyzing the Climate Debates in CEE+ Region before the 2024 Election

From Zero to Hero? Chinese Investment in Electric Vehicle Supply Chains in the Visegrád Four

Democracy and Resilience

Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)
Disinformation on Telegram in the Czech Republic: Organizational and Financial Background

Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC)
Democracy Sustainability Barometer 2023: Lithuania

Classic Cleavages in a New Light: Chinese Informational Influence in the Baltics

Future of the EU

International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
An E-Integration Marathon: The Potential Impact of Ukrainian Membership on the EU’s Digitalisation and Cybersecurity

The Impact of Ukraine’s Accession on the EU’s Economy: The Value Added of Ukraine

No Gain Without Pain: Estonia’s views on EU enlargement

Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC)
EU reforms in view of enlargement and economic security: towards an integrated approach to European self-transformation

The Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR) 
The future of EU enlargement in a geopolitical perspective

Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
Managing Migration and Integration in the EU: An Attempt to Balance Solidarity and Responsibility

October - December 2023

Defence and Security

Five Security Scenarios on Russian War in Ukraine for 2024-2025: Implications and Policy Recommendations to Western Partners

The International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
In a State of Denial: The Air War in Ukraine

EU Neighborhood

The European Union Is Better Off With Ukraine as a Member

Adapt institute
The European Commission invites Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the EU. When will they become Member States?

Gradual Integration Process: Towards Restoring Effectiveness and Credibility of EU Enlargement 

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Georgia Signalling the EU through Strategic Partnership with China 

The International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
Accelerator for a Geopolitical Europe: Potential Impact of Ukraine’s Membership on EU Foreign, Security, and Defence Policy

Economy and Sustainability

Investment Gap in the CEE Region: How Much Investment is Needed and Strategies for Delivering It

Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA)
Thinking beyond national borders for renewable energy solutions in Central Europe

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Awareness of the Importance of Critical Technologies Growing in the EU

CEE and its role in the EU

Digital Youth Engagement in Slovakia and Poland: How is Technology Leveraging Participatory Democracy

Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA)
Scenario of Slovakia’s foreign policy after the 2023 elections – SFPA perspective

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Hungarian Policy Increasingly Linked to China

Democracy and Resilience

Mapping Right-Wing Extremism in Central and Eastern Europe

Future of the EU

International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
The Impact of Ukrainian Membership on the EU’s Institutions and Internal Balance of Power

Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC)
Upgrading EU  Enlargement Methodology: Enhancing Accession Prospects for the New Eastern Candidates

July - September 2023

Defence and Security

Will the Eastern Flank be Battle Ready?

The future of digital deterrence in Central and Eastern Europe

Scars on Their Souls: PTSD and Veterans of Ukraine

Adapt Institute
AI-Generated Disinformation: Understanding and Fighting New Phenomenon

The International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
British Power in Baltic Weather

Series: NATO’s Vilnius Summit

The Eastern Europe Studies Center (EESC)
EU Defence Cooperation with Ukraine


Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR)
War like no other: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a war on gender order

EU Neighborhood

Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)
Western Balkans at the Crossroads: Democratic Backsliding and External Actors' Influence – Final Report

The International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
The Potential Impact of Ukrainian Accession on the EU’s Budget – and the Importance of Control Valves

The Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC)
The Russian war in Eastern Europe and the emergence of EU CSDP missions: Three distinct cases in Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova

Global Europe

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
End of Illusions in Relations between China and Central Europe

The Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Difficult Partners, Sly Competitors, Increasingly Dangerous Rival: The German Policy Towards China After 24th February 2022

Economy and Sustainability

Ukraine: Costs of Inaction and Benefits of Action 

Quo Vadis? Ensuring fair taxation in the digital economy

Securing Green Transition

CEE and its role in the EU

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Setting on an East-Bound Course? Slovak Political Parties’ Views on China and Russia

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Baltic States and Germany Tighten Relations in the Context of Zeitenwende
Presidency: A Surprising Success

Slovaks' Perception of the War in Ukraine is Changing - a Socio-Political Perspective

April - June 2023

Defence and Security

How Committed is Germany to a Zeitenwende in Defence?

Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR)
Czech and Norwegian Perspectives on Resilience in a Post-invasion-of Ukraine Context

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
EU Smoothly Developing Military Mobility in Europe

Democracy and Resilience

GLOBSEC Trends 2023: United we (still) stand

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Major Pro-Kremlin Disinformation Narratives and Their Transmitters in Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia

Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)
Hostile Narrative Brief: War in Ukraine A Year of Aggression: A Case Study of Slovakia
Hostile Narrative Brief: War in Ukraine A Year of Aggression: A Case Study of the Czech Republic

Resilience building in the V4 against disinformation about the Russian-Ukrainian war

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
Breaking the Code: Russian and Chinese Disinformation and Illicit Financial Flows in Southeast Europe

EU Neighborhood

Walking on Fire: Demining in Ukraine

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Building Ukraine Back Better: The Role of Czechia and the EU
The 8 Challenges for Democracy in the Western Balkans

Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)
Democratic Vulnerabilities of Small Systems: External Actors' Influence in Montenegro

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Belarusian Foreign Policy Priorities Present Challenges for Poland

Eastern Europe Studies Center (EESC)
Crisis of Russia’s soft power in the CIS and Eastern Partnership countries
EU sanctions against Russia: Coherence and efficiency after 12 months of war

Future of the EU

Recommendations towards Sustained Inclusive Democratic Participation and Civic Engagement
Young Minds, Democratic Horizons: Paving the Way for the EU’s Promising Future Attitudes of Young People from Austria, Greece, Ireland and Slovakia

Ukraine's Integration with the EU in the context of the war

Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Qualified Majority Voting in the EU in the Field of Foreign and Security Policy

Global Europe

Windsor framework and future EU-UK relations: Could personal diplomacy be the driving engine?

Association for International Affairs (AMO)
China’s Twiplomacy in Europe in the Shadow of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (KKI)
France and Russia in Africa: Has Paris been Pushed Back on the Southern Continent? Part 1. French and Russian Strategy in Africa
France and Russia in Africa: Has Paris been Pushed Back on the Southern Continent? Part 2. French and Russian Economic Presence in Africa and the Importance of Francophonie

Economy and Sustainability

Strategic economic policy to advance green innovation and investment in Europe

CEE and its role in the EU

The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Examining Changes in Regional Cooperation in Central Europe from a Polish Perspective


Consequences of the Russian War in Ukraine: What Policies for Temporary Displaced Ukrainian Women in Austria, Czechia, Hungary, and Slovakia?

Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR)
Gendering Europe’s Security and Recovery Responses to Ukraine

January - March 2023

Defence and Security

The War on Ukraine: A Look at (Underemphasised) Russian Cyber Operations

How to beat Russia: What armed forces in NATO should learn from Ukraine’s homeland defense

International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
Baltic Defence Development: Adding Value to the Defence of the Baltic Sea Region

European Values Center for Security Policy
War in Ukraine: Lessons identified and learned

Democracy and Resilience

Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Breaking Down Russian and Chinese Disinformation and Propaganda About the War in Ukraine

Fighting Foreign Malign Influence in Democratic States

The Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Bulgaria as a breeding ground for Russia’s influence in the Balkans

Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR)
Dragon's Roar and Bear's Howl: Convergence in Sino-Russian Information Operations in NATO Countries?

EU Neighborhood

Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
More independence, less fear. Moldova’s perspective on Russia after a year of war in Ukraine 

Ukrainian refugees in Visegrad countries: Societal Attitudes and Challenges of Accommodating People Fleeing the War

How the West Can Help Ukraine: Three Strategies for Achieving a Ukrainian Victory and Rebirth

Russia Sanctions – How to Make Them Work

Future of the EU

Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA)
QMV in CFSP: Impending necessity or resurfacing utopia?

The New Pact on Migration and Asylum and the war in Ukraine: time for a paradigm shift?

Global Europe

International Centre for Defence and Security Studies (ICDS)
Europe’s Indo-Pacific Tilt: Estonian and Japanese Interests

Finding Transatlantic Unity in Times of Conflict 2022. Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review

Economy and Sustainability

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
Decoupling from Russian Oil

Adapting EU energy efficiency targets to V4+ regional context

Expert Forum (EFOR)
2023 annual report: One year of fighting. Lessons for the EU from Ukraine’s resilience and the energy sector

CEE and its role in the EU

Rethinking the Concept of Central Europe with Ukraine as its member: What Kind of “Soft” Connectivity is Needed in a New Geopolitical Reality?

EUROPEUM/Think Visegrad
In search for a more effective EU foreign and security policy: Can Central Europe seize its momentum?

Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR)
Does Central Europe Want The Western Balkans In The European Union?

Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID)
We Need A Way Out Of The Foreign Policy Impasse

GLOBSEC lists only already publicly available outputs, not re-publishing any parts of them. The opinions expressed are the authors' own.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
