Migration, Central Europe
With the goal of facilitating agreement on common solutions in the area of migration, GLOBSEC launched a project in March 2016 that provides insights into migration trends and policy and politics dynamics in Central Europe (Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland). By engaging a wide range of actors, the project aims to foster understanding regarding what EU countries can agree on now, where political efforts should be expended, what is feasible to change, and which actors should be engaged with in different national contexts in terms of local debates.
For us, Central Europeans, the migration debate is not only about migrants. It’s also about our place and role in the European Union and our capacity to be part of common solutions to this long-term problem that will shape the future of Europe.

10.05.2017 Visegrád Countries: No Longer a United Front on EU Migration Issues?
22.02.2017Away from the Spotlight. Balkan Route and Visegrad Approach to Refugees in 2017
10.10.2016 The Politics of Migration Across Europe - Domestic Politics and European Values
08.10.2016 Effective Solidarity? An Alternative EU Migration Plan by the Slovak EU Presidency
19.05.2017 Migration politics and policies in Central Europe
09.05.2017 Migration politics in Slovakia: Balancing domestic and EU-level goals
08.05.2017 Migration climate, discourse and policies in Poland
03.05.2017 Czech migration discourse and policy: fuelling the fire
03.05.2017 Recent Changes in Refugee-Related Policies in Hungary
27.10.2016 Flexible solidarity on migration – what can we expect from Visegrad?
14.10.2016 The Czech Republic: Migration trends and political dynamics
06.07.2016 Hungary: Migration trends and political dynamics
18.05.2016 Slovakia: Migration trends and political dynamics