
Post Madrid Summit in about a hundred words


With the NATO Madrid Summit over, what do you assess as the greatest successes or disappointments of the Summit? Did the Alliance deliver in the face of a new security landscape?

Rasa Juknevičienė

Member of the European Parliament Former Lithuanian Minister of Defence

In my view, this was the most decisive NATO summit since our accession to NATO in 2004. A new strategy was adopted and the threats reassessed naming Russia as the most significant and direct threat. For the first time, the systemic challenges posed by China to Euro-Atlantic security were assessed. The invitation to Sweden and Finland to join NATO is an important geopolitical breakthrough in the Baltic region increasing the strength of the Alliance. For us, the eastern flank, a substantial increase in capabilities is essential. NATO’s joint funding has been significantly increased. On the eastern flank, the principle of capability tasks has changed, introducing deterrence by denial. This is one of the most important achievements. However, still much remains to be done. We need to strengthen air defence, anti-aircraft and anti-missile defences. These are important issues for the future, which NATO needs to address as soon as possible.

Dr. Oscar Jonsson

Director, Phronesis Analysis & Researcher, Swedish Defence University

The NATO summit in Madrid was undoubtedly a success and the crown jewel was NATO expansion for Sweden and Finland. This is not because expansion is a virtue per se, but that the Alliance can welcome two states that are significant security providers. Sweden and Finland has already contributed more to NATO operations than many members. Finland can by itself mobilize several hundred thousand troops and holds Europe’s second largest artillery, and Sweden possesses state of the art fighter jets, submarines and AWACS that are of great use for NATO.

Roger Hilton

Media Presenter and Defence Fellow NATO 2030 Global Fellow

The bad: it’s disappointing to see the Madrid Declaration not mention the word victory for Ukraine. Being unambiguous about this is critical so it is fair to ask: are all Allies are working towards the same goal – helping Ukraine fully defeat Russia on the battlefield? The good: NATO’s creation of emission targets could be argued as the most important Summit outcome. NATO isn’t just satisfied with reducing its carbon footprint, it assesses new green tech as the best tech that will separate them from adversaries and better manage diverse crisis. Jens Stoltenberg’s
legacy as the “Green Secretary General” is being written in front of our eyes.