
Promoting Energy Security and the Green Transition

on 16.08.2024
ec memo

The outgoing European Commission and Parliament were forced to confront several energy-related challenges triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's aggression against Ukraine. A reduced dependence on Russian energy has been achieved, partly aided by the ongoing green transition. The new Commission and Parliament will need to balance energy sustainability, reliability, and affordability amid continuing geopolitical tensions and rising consumer costs. Priorities for the next European Commission were identified across four thematic areas.

Firstly, electricity grids represent a key obstacle to the green transition and further uptake of affordable renewable energy. The EU must place the grid at the forefront of its policy agenda, with a focus on providing funding, improving permitting, and ensuring the optimal utilisation of existing grids.

Secondly, the development of all clean energy technologies, including nuclear, must be embraced. The EU's nuclear strategy should provide a stable investment environment and aim to develop European nuclear fuel.

Thirdly, the potential of demand response for higher renewable integration must be recognised, necessitating the widespread deployment of smart meters and supportive policies.

Fourthly, decarbonisation of the buildings sector poses a significant challenge. Enforcing a zero-fossil fuel policy in new buildings, combined with empowering local governments, will be critical. 

The policy brief Promoting Energy Security and the Green Transition offers recommendations on the priorities that the European Commission should adopt in the area of energy security and green transformation. The brief is a part of the GLOBSEC consultation project and is included in the publication Pivotal Moment for Europe: Central European Proposals for the Next EU Leadership.

Read the full report and individual chapters below.



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GLOBSEC External Consultant