Dominika Hajdu
Director, Centre for Democracy & Resilience
Dominika Hajdu is the Policy Director of the Center for Democracy & Resilience, which focuses on defending democracy against subversive efforts aiming to undermine it and at the examination of strategies, actors and tools utilised in information operations.
In research, she focuses on information manipulation and its impact on democratic society, intersection of technology and democracy, and strategic communication of the public sector. In her current capacity, she has led large-scale international projects focusing on research, awareness-raising and capacity-building for various target groups aiming to build societal and state resilience.
In her previous capacities, Dominika gained experience working first in the advertising sector and later with the EU policy-making, having trained at the EU’s Committee of the Regions and worked for a public affairs agency in Brussels.
Dominika holds an MA in EU Foreign Policy from the University of Leuven in Belgium.
She speaks English, French and Slovak.
Publications and commentaries:
- GLOBSEC Trends 2022: Central and Eastern Europe amid the War in Ukraine
- Analýza strategickej komunikácie v podmienkach SR
- Drivers of Narratives Undermining Democracy &Transatlantic Unity
- Policy Brief: Transatlantic Approach to Artificial Intelligence
- 10 Recommendations: Countering foreign malign influence in Central Europe and the Western Balkans
- GLOBSEC Vulnerability Index
- 10 Transatlantic Principles for a Healthy Online Information Space
- GLOBSEC Trends 2021: Central and Eastern Europe one year into the pandemic
- United States in CEE and the Western Balkans: How should the new US administration revive its allure in the region?
- What should the future of online political advertising in the EU look like?
- Facebook suspending Donald Trump’s account: What are the lessons learned?
- GLOBSEC Trends 2020: Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Western Balkans at the Times of Pandemic
- Voices of Central and Eastern Europe: Perceptions of democracy & governance in 10 EU countries
- Vnímanie demokracie a konšpirácií na Slovensku
- Slovenské voľby 2020 v informačnom priestore
- Youth Trends 2020
- Ako sa brániť proti informačným operáciám: príručka pre komunikátorov
- Strategická komunikácia v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky
- GLOBSEC Trends 2019: Central Europe 30 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain
- From Online Battlefield to Loss of Trust?
- Nationalistic Populism and Its Reception in Central Europe
- GLOBSEC Trends 2018 – Central Europe: One region, different perspectives
- Generation Trends 2018
- Connected (with) Youth (EN)
- Connected (with) Youth (SK)
- From Democracy Defenders to Foreign Agents
- Slovakia: A Pro-European Island in Central Europe?
- GLOBSEC Trends 2017
- The US and Its Values in CEE’s War of Narratives
Core projects:
- Strengthening Public Diplomacy in Central Europe
- Countering Disinformation in the V4 and Western Balkans: mapping needs, building capacity and generating civic activism
- Nationalistic populism and its reception in Central Europe
Key activities beyond research:
- Interactive map on How much do you know about Central and Eastern Europe?
- Campaigns with influencers increasing the awareness about false news online &
- Online course on media and disinformation:
- Online toolkit for active citizens keen to know more about helping free societies from the pressure of disinformation and false news:
- Online course on hybrid threats in Slovak:
- Capacity-building trainings for civil society organisations:
Current projects:
- Strengthening Public Diplomacy in Central Europe
- Strengthening the capacity and resilience of public administration to hybrid threats
- HADES: Exposing Russian Information Operations in Frontline States