Chateau Béla Central European Strategic Forum 2022 Key Takeaways

Over a three-day period, GLOBSEC’s annual Château Béla Central European Strategic Forum occurred along the Hungarian – Slovakian border. A collection of senior policymakers and thought leaders from Europe and the United States descended for discussions on the most pressing issues facing Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Building on earlier conversations from the previous years’ editions, the discussions focused on the new geopolitical, economic, and security landscape resulting from Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine.
Against the backdrop of this reality, participants analysed and debated a host of highly -relevant themes. From recognising the shift of the European centre of gravity to the CEE region, defending resilient, democratic institutions and human rights, highlighting the importance of transatlantic relations to sustaining comprehensive support for Ukraine, as well as addressing energy shortages and global economic turmoil, there was no shortfall of topics for introspection. Despite the challenging year, Europe and Europeans have succeeded in sustaining unity for months.
However, winter’s arrival, coupled with a broad spectrum of uncertainty, was not lost on participants and is reflected in the discussions held and policy outcomes found below.