Western Balkans: Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Organised Crime in the Western Balkans Countries
The aim of this report is to present an overview of Financial Intelligence Units (FIU) in the six countries of the Western Balkans. On the national level, threats of terrorism and the financing of terrorist organisations are examined.
The main focus is placed on the international cooperation of FIUs as well as on examining the vulnerability of not-for-profit organisations (NPO). While at the end of each country chapter there are recommendations based on our research, this analysis also contains a discussion on serious organised crime and its links with terrorism. Succinctly, no direct links between organised crime and terrorism were identified. The reasons for this are varied; however, the main finding of this analysis is that there are commonalities between the FIUs, which has had a notable effect.
Namely, country memberships in the Egmont Group have certainly helped the whole region to make progress in the area of anti-money laundering and countering terrorist financing (CTF). There are still problems pertaining to the technology gap and human capacities, particularly in working with NPOs as well as their awareness of risks are rising.
However, the role of FIUs should be in proactive outreach in relation to NPOs. Our desk research confirmed an annual regional FIU conference that could be an example of best practice. The closing of remaining gaps would also enable the work of FIUs.