19.03.2019 - What EU Foreign Policy Do We Want? Differentiated Cooperation in Foreign Policy

The EU foreign policy remains one of the least advanced ‘common’ policies. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to write off European-level activities in the area of international relations. What are the obstacles to cohesion between member states on foreign policy: which strategic interests divide the Member States? What are the political challenges to Europe’s unity as a foreign policy actor? What role do the countries from Central and Eastern Europe play in shaping the EU global agenda?
The roundtable will consist of four sessions such as Europe as a Strong Actor in a More Complex World Order, EU Foreign Policy Tool Kit, Building Resilience and taking an Integrated Approach in the EU’s surrounding regions in the East and the South and GLOBSEC Vision for Europe Taskforce.
The aim of this roundtable is to foster a dialogue between the academic world, civil society and policy-makers, in particular, to enhance governance of EU policies and to contribute to a timely academic and political discussion on differentiated integration in Europe.
This event is upon invitation only.