DIFF GOV in Videos

We are happy to bring you 3 sets of videos related to our agenda. Please see detail in every section.
PART #1: Economic cooperation
Tatra Summit 2018 ” Building a vision for Europe”
Dr Kinga Brudzinska (GLOBSEC Policy Institute) is introducing DIFF GOV activities at Tatra Summit 2019.
Tatra Summit 2018: “The new EU budget as an opportunity”
Dr Vladislava Gubalova (GLOBSEC Policy Institute) is introducing DIFF GOV activities at Tatra Summit 2019.
Economic cooperation Tatra Summit 2018
Dr Kinga Brudzinska (GLOBSEC Policy Institute) gave her impressions about Tatra Summit 2018.
Livestream from City Talk ``Slovakia & the Euro – More LOVE than HATE”
Video from the city talk organized on 4 April 2019 in Banska Bystrica.
PART #2: Foreign Policy
What are the main takeaways from DIFFGOV seminar on EU Foreign Policy?
Dr Elena Lazarou (Associate Professor, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) presents the main takeaways from the #DIFFGOV seminar “What EU Foreign Policy Do We Want?” DIFF GOV Roundtable #2
How does the European External Action Service facilitate the European foreign policy making?
Dr Heidrun Maurer (the University of Oxford, UK) explains how the European External Action Service facilitates European foreign policymaking.
Why should we care about the European Parliament when we talk about EU Foreign Policy?
Dr Paweł Zerka (ECFR) explains why should we care about the European Parliament when we talk about EU Foreign Policy.
Impressions from #DIFFGOV Roundtable by Dr. Heidrun Maurer
Dr Heidrun Maurer gives her impressions about the DIFF GOV project and the roundtable
Livestream from City Talk: "Europe and its Neighbours: What future for the European Neighbourhood Policy?"
This is a video from the city talk organized on 16 May 2019 in Bratislava. The videos were streamed also at the webpage of the SME journal.
Part #3: Defence and Security
What is at stake for NATO? Would European Defence Union be a threat or an asset?
In this video, Erik Brattberg, director of the Europe Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace explains that given the recent challenges on the global stage, for NATO to be able to be successful it needs Europe that is strong. For the EU to be strong, it needs to continue strengthening its security and defence policy and it needs to do it in a way that is smart that contributes to strengthening NATO that brings capabilities, that adds value and does not take away from NATO. If Europeans design the European defence cooperation and the European Defence Union in the right way that can have the potential to strengthen the European and Transatlantic security at a very crucial time.
Erik was a speaker at GLOBSEC Forum 2019 at one of the side events conducted in a framework of GLOBSEC project DIFF GOV: European Governance: Potential of Differentiated Cooperation which is supported by Jean Monnet Activities of the EU Programme Erasmus+ Summary of the activities can be found here
What is the role of neighbours and strategic partners in the future of European defence policy?
In this video, Monika Sus, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow and Project Leader at the Hertie School of Governance gives her insights into the role of neighbours and strategic partners in the future of European defence policy. Monika suggests that the inclusion of its neighbours and strategic partners is crucial for the EU and its defence policy. Only by bringing the capabilities of the neighbouring states and its strategic partners such as the US, the post-UK Brexit also Norway, Sweden or Switzerland, the EU will be able to tackle the security challenges (that is operative involvement). When it comes to the strategic involvement of the partners, it is about the recognition that the EU gets by engaging external parties in defence and security policy. The involvement of partners makes the EU recognizable as a security player on a global stage.
If you want to learn more about the topic, please go here to read Monika’s publication https://www.globsec.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Presentation-from-the-roundtable-16-out-of-16_Monika-Sus_The-role-of-neighbours-strategic-partners-in-EU-def-policy.pdf
Monika was a speaker at GLOBSEC Forum 2019 at one of the side events conducted in a framework of GLOBSEC project DIFF GOV: European Governance: Potential of Differentiated Cooperation which is supported by Jean Monnet Activities of the EU Programme Erasmus+ Summary of the activities can be found here
What is at stake for Central Europe in a more integrated European defence policy?
In this video, Marcin Zaborowski, PhD, Senior Associate at the Visegrad Insight explains that it is Central Europe, which represents the most exposed part of the continent and nobody has gained more from the integrated European defence industry and European defence cooperation that this region. It is important for the region to get involved, being engaged in any joint initiatives that are taking place in Europe.
Marcin was a speaker at GLOBSEC Forum 2019 at one of the side events conducted in a framework of GLOBSEC project DIFF GOV: European Governance: Potential of Differentiated Cooperation which is supported by Jean Monnet Activities of the EU Programme Erasmus+ Summary of the activities can be found here.
For Central Europe, it's important to get involved, being engaged in any joint defence initiatives that are taking place in Europe says The European Commission supports the production of these videos but does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Livestream from City Talk European Defence Policy: Where Is It Heading?
Panel 1: Vision(s) of European Defence Policy
Judging from the vantage point of the level of development of European defence policy, it is admittedly not an understatement to conclude that the European Union (EU) will not have the capacity to fully replace NATO. However, the EU and its Member States are investing more and more in shaping its common defence policy. Will the EU stick to predominantly inclusive (i.e. uniting) formats of cooperation or will it push forward exclusive structures under the auspices of the “coalition of the willing”?"
Panel 2: Is Central and Eastern Europe ready to shape Europe Defence Policy of the future?
Closer integration in defence would bring more security for European citizens, more stability at the EU borders, and a stronger voice for the EU as a global actor. A strong European defence could also strengthen NATO, leading to improving its effectiveness in the EU neighbouring countries. How countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) can contribute to the success of European defence integration? What does the closer European defence integration mean for Slovakia, and for the broader Central and Eastern Europe region? How CEE could benefit the most from this cooperation?
This is a video from the city talk implemented in partnership with the Faculty of Political Science at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, which took place in Košice on 25 November 2019.
Part #4: Schengen Zone and EU Migration Policy- Europe on the Move: Open or Closed Borders?"
Schengen area is truly one of the greatest achievements of European integration
Keynote speech by Berndt Körner, Deputy Executive Director of Frontex during the roundtable “Europe on the Move: Open or Closed Borders?” hosted on 2-3 March 2020 at GLOBSEC office in Slovakia. The roundtable formed a part of the project DIFF GOV: European Governance: Potential of Differentiated Cooperation, supported by Jean Monnet Activities of the EU Programme Erasmus+ which is implemented between 1 September 2018 – 31 August 2020.