GLOBSEC City Challenge 2018 - Third Place

The GLOBSEC City Challenge was introduced at this year's Bratislava Forum as part of the event's InnoTech Initiative and topical cluster. At the Forum, high-level stakeholders from the public and private sector discussed and proposed practical strategies for utilising new technologies for the good of the global society. To support this, GLOBSEC invited teams and individual young entrepreneurs to develop technology-based solutions to tackle the social and economic problems facing Pijova-Rocla, an imaginary city which faces an array of familiar social, political and economic issues.
GLOBSEC is proud to announce that its first City Challenge received entries from around the world that provided interesting and original ideas for consideration by our evaluation committee. Over the course of the next few days, we will be publishing the winning entries from this year's competition. We begin with 3rd Place, which was submitted by Cristina Cefai. She believes that Pijova-Rocla's long-term prosperity and sustainability rests on reclaiming its disused coalmines and integrating them into a system of Pumped Hydroelectricity storage. While this will be a costly endeavour, it will nevertheless reap benefits at the local and national level over the medium to long term.