Special Tribunal for the political leadership of Russia: Just Punishment for War Crimes

The unprovoked and unjustifiable war that Russia waged against Ukraine in February 2022 has become a litmus test for many things deemed unshakeable, such as the solidarity of nations, the defence of democracy, and the supremacy of values over interests. Whereas in the mentioned categories, the Western countries have successfully survived this ‘crash test’, international legal order is still facing a challenge from Russia’s brutal ignorance of international commitments and norms of peaceful co-existence.
Unless there is adequate international legal accountability for all destructive actions Russia has been doing in Ukraine, we cannot discuss the international legal environment as an ‘order’ because impunity severely distorts the established system and induces voluntarism in interpretations to justify illegal unilateral actions. Without due punishment to a rule-breaker, the legal system is weak to discipline other states to obey the internationally agreed norms and principles, thus, potentially leading to chaos and the spiralling of conflicts on a global scale. But it is not merely about legal order. It is also about a human feeling of fair justice.
Read more in the policy brief below.