Pavlo Sheremeta joins GLOBSEC to support its Ukrainian initiatives

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, GLOBSEC has stood shoulder to shoulder with its neighbour and will continue to do so. In a sign of our commitment to provide unwavering support for Kyiv, GLOBSEC is delighted to announce that Pavlo Sheremeta, former Ukrainian Minister of Economic Development and Trade, has joined as a Distinguished Fellow.
In addition to collaborating on the development of the Ukraine and Eastern Europe programme, he will also be involved in the activities of GLOBSEC’s Ukraine Support Council (USC).
The USC will be GLOBSEC’s flagship project, and primary instrument, to increase the resilience of Ukraine, support the post-war rebuilding of Ukraine, modernizing Ukrainian statehood, and ensure sustainable economic prosperity. In addition to being a platform for discussion and idea generation, the USC will actively engage with various European Institutions to advance Ukraine candidate status for the EU.
Against the backdrop of the USC, the arrival of Minister Sheremeta is another critical component of GLOBSEC’s robust Ukraine programme, that is currently scaling up with a slate of Ukrainian experts and thought leaders to join our ranks. Minister Sheremeta brings both a wealth of international as well as professional experience to the GLOBSEC team and will be the linchpin of this programme. The sum of these actions will be on display at the 2022 Bratislava Forum, where GLOBSEC will look to both continue to shine a spotlight on Ukraine, as well as mobilize action and resources, to support its people and government during these unprecedented trying times.
Minister Sheremeta earned his undergraduate economics degree at Lviv University and obtained his MBA degree from Emory University in Atlanta, USA. He co-founded the Kyiv Mohyla Business School and became its first dean. Additionally, he is a team member of the Blue Ocean Global Network (BOGN). With BOGN he worked for more than three years in South-East Asia. He is the former President of the Kyiv School of Economics and the Founding Director of the School of Public Management at the Ukrainian Catholic University